This is an elegant, simple and cheap solution with a high quality and fast installation, suitable for already finished drywall and masonry structures. The doors are made of an aluminium profiles, joined by welding , which guarantees a solid corners. A standard version has Gypsum board fixed to the inner frame using a high-strength adhesive, which ensures quick and easy rebinding.
We produce a metal suspension elements, revision doors (standard or atypical dimensions) and sanitary construction for a drywall systems. All these products are made by stamping tools from our tool- making workshop. We can offer also other assortment of a various commodities for the drywall systems.
Billing addres:
Zbečník 19
549 31 Hronov
Czech Republic
IČ: 26001853
DIČ: CZ 26001853
Žabokrky 50
549 31 Hronov
Czech Republic
Design and realization
Creoshop © 2017
graphic studio